- “全语言” 法:让孩子通过阅读学习认字。
- 课文以常用字为主。
- 重复使用生字,巩固学习效果。
- 课文前后连贯,加强孩子思维组织能力。
- 生字附有汉语拼音。
- 生字附有笔顺。
- 轻声、变调、多音多义字或儿化韵另有注明。
- 附图解生字。
- Allow children to practise recognizing words through reading.
- Passages were mainly written in words that are commonly used.
- Drilling of new vocabularies through repetitions to have its effects.
- Passages are connected to one another which will enhance the children’s reasoning power.
- Pinyin provided for new vocabularies.
- Stroke order provided.
- Notes on intonation provided.
- Pictorial meanings provided for new vocabularies.